AIN then Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXE b ANSWER WINDOW 1 WINDOW 1 ANSWER 2 WINDOW Author's choice: a, c WINDOWSANSWER ANSWER WINDOW WINDOW ANSWER YES c ANSWER WINDOWS NO c a ANSWER WINDOWS c ANSWER WINDOW (3) Christian (2) Pagan c. (1) Jewish b. Saturday a. Sunday g. NO; not literally; perhaps Yes, figuratively. f. YES e. YES d. NO however, that John was bishop of Ephesus. c. NO; 1:9 does not specify; tradition suggests, b. YES a. NO ANSWER WINDOW JESUS.' because of the word of GOD and the testimony of are ours in JESUS, was on the island of PATMOS suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that 'I, JOHN, your brother and companion in the WINDOW the Lord God ANSWER Jesus Christ GOD ANSWER WINDOWS b, c, e WINDOW ANSWER 1:11 ANSWER WINDOW c ANSWER WINDOW b, c ANSWER WINDOW John saw, and then to perceive what it means. the book of Revelation. We must learn to see what Note: this is an extremely important clue for interpreting SEE c, d ANSWER WINDOW ANSWER WINDOWS Jesus, future TAKE PLACE.' (Rev. 1:1) HIM to show to his SERVANTS what must soon 'The revelation of JESUS CHRIST which God gave R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press ENTER to return to DOS. END OF PROJECT 010: John and Jesus, Revelation 1 * * * * * while yet standing among his beloved churches. in heaven at the right hand of God, but as victorious, triumphant, exalted, glorious; not as defeated and powerless on the cross, we must see him in the same way, If we wish to see Jesus as he is, but permanently glorified. Now this same John sees Jesus not only temporarily transfigured, saw Jesus transfigured before him (Matthew 17). Many years earlier, John, together with Peter and James, * * * HOMILY * * * Your selection: which exist now and will continue to exist in the future. b. Write your visions, all of which describe conditions some the present, and some the future. a. Write your visions, some of which describe the past, Select the paraphrase which is most accurate. 30. Interpret 1:19. Screen # 17 d. ___ c. ___ b. ___ a. ___ (2) Jesus knows how people can escape from death. (1) Jesus wants to send people to Hades. d. 'I hold the keys of death and Hades.' (2) Jesus means he never really died. (1) Jesus refers to his previous death and resurrection. c. 'I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever.' (2) Jesus means he is no longer human. (1) Jesus means he is human but no longer mortal. b. 'I am the Living One.' (2) Jesus affirms that he is perfect man, a model human. (1) Jesus is the first and last human person on earth. a. 'I am the First and the Last.' In each case, select the interpretation which seems best to you. 29. Examine again the sentences Jesus spoke to John (1:17-18).Screen # 16 (2) seven stars (1) placed it on John b. ___ In his action, what Jesus did with his right hand. a. ___ In the vision, what Jesus held in his right hand. 28. Match the following: d. ___ I understand it, and that's that. c. ___ It touches me deeply in my emotions. b. ___ It turns me off, I don't like that kind of reading. a. ___ It whets my interest. Select one or more. ( x to select, ENTER to bypass.) 27. What effect does the vision have on you? (1:12-16)Screen # 15 d. ___ He fell down as if he were dead. c. ___ He shouted in praise and raised his hands in ecstasy. b. ___ He thought about how to verbalize it. a. ___ He tried to figure out what it meant. Select one or more. 26. What effect did this vision of the exalted Jesus have on John? f. ___ Jesus alive for us. e. ___ Jesus dying for us. d. ___ Jesus exalted. c. ___ Jesus humiliated. b. ___ Jesus resurrected. a. ___ Jesus crucified. Select three. (Use x to select, ENTER to bypass.) 25. What is the main focus of this vision? (1:12-16)Screen # 14 i. Standing among the Lampstands h. Face like the Sun g. Two-edged Sword in his Mouth f. Hand holding Seven Stars e. The Awesome Voice d. Bronzed Feet c. Fiery Eyes b. White Head and Hair a. Long Robe and Golden Sash today. lampstands, think of all the different churches in the world see him standing among lampstands. And when you think of the Jesus. Try to get all the items in your vision, and be sure to 24. Close your eyes and visualize in your mind this same vision of from our lives. h. ___ Face like the Sun (8) Trampling out the impurity for destruction and for healing. g. ___ Sword in Mouth (7) The Word of the Lord which cuts is now redeeming it. f. ___ Hand / Seven Stars (6) The Voice which created the world in the face of Jesus Christ. e. ___ The Awesome Voice (5) The bright glory of God who sees all things. d. ___ Bronzed Feet (4) Reflecting the vision of God in his hand. c. ___ Fiery Eyes (3) Jesus holds his messengers Jesus' royal priesthood. b. ___ White Head and Hair (2) Garments of a priest or king = resurrection glory. a. ___ Robe and Sash (1) The absolute purity of Christ's ELEMENTS PROBABLE MEANINGS 23. Match the ELEMENTS with the PROBABLE MEANINGS. (1:12-16)Screen # 13zihgfedcba i. ___ face (9) white like wool, white as snow h. ___ mouth (8) reaching down to his feet g. ___ right hand (7) like sun shining in brilliance f. ___ voice (6) like the sound of rushing waters e. ___ feet (5) like bronze glowing in a furnace d. ___ eyes (4) like blazing fire c. ___ head and hair (3) held seven stars b. ___ golden sash (2) a sharp double-edged sword a. ___ robe (1) around his chest ITEMS DESCRIPTIONS When finished, enter z in box; press ENTER. After cursor moves, write a NUMBER; press ENTER. First, write a LETTER in the box; press ENTER. Match the lists. (1:12-16) vision, together with another list of their DESCRIPTIONS. 22. Following is a list of ITEMS which John sees in hisScreen # 12 (Enter YES or NO.) 21. Is this Jesus the same Jesus as described in the Gospels? (Select one.) d. I hold the keys of death and Hades. c. I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever. b. I am the Living One. a. I am the First and the Last. as Jesus? 20. Which sentence in 1:17-18 most clearly identifies the speakerScreen # 11 (Enter YES or NO .) the one 'like a son of man' by name? 19. Does John at any point in this vision (1:12-16) identify (Select a letter.) c. seven golden lampstands b. someone like a son of man a. a trumpet 18. What does John see first in his vision? (Enter a or b ) a. hearing a voice, or b. seeing someone? 17. In 1:12-20, what comes first for John:Screen # 10 (Enter a letter) ministry of the Lord Jesus. c. He was meditating intensely but quietly on the b. He was in a state of rare mystical ecstasy. alcohol. a. He was in a state of euphoria stimulated by drugs or (1:10) on the Lord's Day? 16. What do you think it means that John was 'in the Spirit' Screen # 9 (3) Lord's Day __________ (2) Sunday __________ (1) Sabbath __________ the following day names? Use your general knowledge. c. Of PAGAN, CHRISTIAN, or JEWISH, what is the origin of b. Which day of the week is the sabbath? ________ a. Which day of the week is the Lord's Day? ______ 15. The term 'Lord's Day' is used in 1:10.Screen # 8 on the island of Patmos. g. ___ The word of God requires all Christians to suffer f. ___ The people suffered because of their faith in Jesus. e. ___ John was exiled on the island of Patmos. d. ___ John was vacationing on Patmos. c. ___ John was a minister in one of the churches of Asia. b. ___ John and others were suffering for the gospel. a. ___ Patmos is a little island off Florida. Enter YES for correct, NO for incorrect. statements are correct or incorrect. 14. On the basis ONLY of 1:9, show whether the followingScreen # 7 word of _____ and the testimony of _______ .' _______, was on the island of ______ because of the and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in 'I, ______, your brother and companion in the suffering 13. Complete 1:9, (Press ENTER after each entry) 12. Who is the speaker in 1:8, the Lord God or Jesus?Screen # 6 God the Father or Jesus Christ? 11. Who is being described in 1:7, praised here by John, God the Father or Jesus Christ? doxology, that is, a word of praise. Who is being 10. The passage beginning in 1:5 and ending in 1:6 is a and who is to come' (1:4)? referring by the phrase, 'from him who is, and who was, 9. Of GOD , JESUS , or the TRINITY , to whom is JohnScreen # 5 Select one or more. f. The kings of the earth e. Jesus Christ, the faithful witness d. The Holy Spirit c. The seven spirits before the throne b. Him who is, and who was, and who is to come a. God John extends 'grace and peace' from several sources. 8. Read the salutation in 1:4-5. listed by name? 7. In which later verse of chapter 1 are these churchesScreen # 4 d. To all the churches in the continent of Asia c. To all the churches in the province of Asia b. To all the churches in the Roman Empire a. To all Christians everywhere 6. According to 1:4, to whom did John send this book? (more letters) (enter one or) d. The person who explains what is read. c. Those who hear what is read and believe it. b. The person who reads the book aloud. a. Those who planned the service. a church service. According to 1:3, who are blessed? 5. Visualize this book of Revelation being read aloud in Screen # 3 (enter SEE or HEAR ) and the testimony of Jesus? 4. According to 1:2 does John SEE or HEAR the word of God (more letters) d. To show Jesus Christ to John. (enter one or) c. To convey the revelation to John. b. To testify to the word of God. a. To be John's guardian angel. 3. What is the function of the angel in the last half of 1:1?Screen # 2Press F1 for Answer Window God Jesus John servants history future Enter one or more of the following. in your judgment, is being unveiled in this book? to remove a covering. On the basis of 1:1 only, what, noun form of 'apokaluptein,' which means to unveil, 2. The word 'revelation' in Greek is 'apokalupsis,' thePress ENTER to continue. (Enter the missing words; then press ENTER.) to show to his __________ what must soon ____________.' 'The revelation of ______________ which God gave _____ 1. Complete 1:1,Screen # 1 4. Enter the desired screen number, press ENTER. 3. Press the F5 key (R-ENTR), then ENTER. 2. When you return, enter Project 010 normally. 1. Remember the screen number (jot it down!). by following these steps: you may re-enter at that point If you must quit before finished, Project 010 is very long. NOTE PROJECT 010: Screens 1 - 17 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP Reading for this Project: Revelation 1 (Screens 1 - 7) JOHN AND JESUS PROJECT 010 do these visions make any kind of sense? what is his purpose, why did John write such an apocalyptic book, It is important to get the setting clear:/